Club Penguin Storm Brewing

Storm Coming to Club Penguin?

UPDATE:The Club Penguin newspaper came out and has a short story on the storm that is coming. It doesn’t say much except to check back for next week’s newspaper for more information.

Here is a cool new Club Penguin Secret. Go to the Cove and click on the binoculars on the lifeguard chair. You can see that grey storm clouds have appeared and there is lightning. Could it be that a big storm is coming to Club Penguin soon? Rockhopper’s ship is still docked at the beach. Maybe the storm will keep him from leaving!

Storm Clouds Appear in Club Penguin
Storm Clouds Appear in Club Penguin

Dizzywood had a storm a few months ago where it rained for many days. Everyone got free raincoats and hats. It would be cool if Club Penguin did the same thing.

Published by beztar

I'm a video gamer. I used to write about Club Penguin and play it a lot. But that was a very long time ago.

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  1. It’s funny that you can see the storm clouds from the binoculars but not the telescope at the light house. I think there will be lots of rain and maybe a shipwreck or something.

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