The Secret Coin Cheat for DJ3K

Get Unlimited Coins Really Fast With a DJ3K Glitch

This cheat has been fixed by Club Penguin and does not work anymore. If you try it you could get banned!

This is a huge cheat and I think Club Penguin will fix this one very fast. You can get unlimited coins very, very fast (like thousands per minute or more) just by doing the following.

  1. Log into a safe chat server.
  2. Go into the Night Club and walk over to the DJ3K game so that you see the pop-up asking if you want to play, but do not click Yes yet.
  3. Press the TAB key and you will see a little yellow box appear. Keep pressing TAB until it appear over your home icon in the toolbar. You may have to press it like 30 times or more if there are a lot of penguins in the room.
    UPDATE:If you press SHIFT+TAB instead, you will only have to press twice.
  4. When it’s over your home/igloo icon press ENTER.
  5. Once you arrive in your igloo, click on the Yes button to start the DJ3K game.
  6. Click on the X in the upper right corner. The DJ3K game will say you got 0 coins.
  7. Click OK and then click the X again. Now it will pop up again and say you won 530 coins.
  8. Repeat over and over until you get bored!
  9. To exit, click the log out link or reload your browser.

When you reload, log in again to any server and you will have all of your coins! This cheat is crazy!

Post in the comments if you know anything more about this or have questions!

Published by beztar

I'm a video gamer. I used to write about Club Penguin and play it a lot. But that was a very long time ago.

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  1. Thanks man. This cheat is the best one ever. I got about 100,000 coins already. It is easy..

    1. sparkles9571,
      they fixed the glitch, so if you do it on DJK3 or catchin’ beans, you will now get banned. my advice to you, if you still want to try it, I’d prefer you to make a second penguin and try it. I tried it on catchin’ beans, and I got kicked off. (not banned, just logged out automaticly) Your welcome! 😀

  2. I did it!
    Well I don’t know how to say this but……
    It worked the first time but now i almost got banned!
    oh and…. dojo party im gonna be there september 25 its my birthday!
    so be there!

  3. does not work any more clubpenguin found it it says like you said a bad word remember to fallow the rules then loges you out

  4. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    it loggs u off like u said a curse or broke rules…but a nice idea…they figured it out bc the mods check CP cheat sites and a lot had this can u do it again and c what happends then reply? thx it may just be me

  5. umm it always removes me from the server even the newer one does and i dont know why how do you guys NOT get removed from the server???

  6. I can’t even get the tap box thingy onto the home icons! It only goes on the penguin! you should remove this page!

  7. Hey,
    Even though this one has been discovered, I,ve got a another one.
    Just go to the dance club click on the DJ3K game. Click the button saying you would like to play. Then just wait and DONT touch anything. Wait for as long as you want when you log it out it will say you have coins. The longer you wait the more coins you will receive.

  8. theres a new way to do that cheat. Ok. First,click on a game of ur choice. Then,when ur really close to the game u want,click on the home button before the game box comes up. If u click it at the right time,the game box (w/ yes or no) should come up. Click yes and play the game 1 time and press the x and it will say u won how many coins u won say 500. you won 500 coins. thats what comes up ok? then keep pressing ok until ur done. (BTW the only way to get out of this is to log out)

    -Tami of Dover Plains,NY
    Want a laugh? Go to and read the page!


  10. Hey, when I press tab it only puts the box around penguins, how do I get the box around my home/igloo?


  12. i know this cheat gets you banned but there is another cheat to this game. it really works. go to the night club right when your walking to the game click on your house. When you get to your house it will ask you if you want to play.Say yes and keep playing until you get lots of coin. press the x and your coins will keep going up

  13. it doesn’t work any more because club penguin found out and now almost no cheats work to bad =(

  14. On August 30, 2008, several Club Penguin cheat blogs started reporting that there was a major coin glitch with the DJ3K game. The cheat involves using the Tab key on safe chat servers to go to your igloo with the DJ3K game still active. This results in the ability to endlessly replay the game and win 530 coins each time. Because the game can be started and stopped in just seconds, players reported being able to earn as much as 25,000 coins per minute with this glitch. Most penguins gained 1,000,000 coins using this but were not banned for cheating. The glitch was fixed.

  15. dont try it banns you ive never tryed it but i got kicked out of server (no ban) on bean counters because i walked to bean counters i went to igloo press x then i got kicked out

  16. If you get banned when it says you are banned log out and then you dont get banned from the server

  17. IT BANDED ME THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS RUDE TO POST THINGS THAT DONT WORK. IF IT DONT WORK U SHOULD DELETE IT LOSER!!!!! THAT IS GAY OF U TO PUT IT UP *****!!!!!!!!!

  18. Hey,

    I know a better cheat. I’m not sure where you download it, but if you do you type in your password & username. Then you choose your amount of coins (Pick 20,0000) then click get coins. It takes 12 mins but it will be worth it!

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